Saturday, January 28, 2012

Brunswick Nexus f(P+F) Solid

Brunswick Nexus f(P+F) Solid Reviews

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Science and bowling have always been connected, but never have they been so perfectly entwined. Introducing the most aggressive ball in the history of Brunswick, the Brunswick Nexus f(P+F) Solid bowling ball!ADDAPTIVE f(P+F) SOLID COVERSTOCKThe Addaptive f(P+F) Solid coverstock is Brunswick's newest innovation in performance enhancing additive chemistry. f(P+F) describes our latest formula that combines our new (P)rojection and our new (F)riction additives together to create our most aggressive coverstock to date. The Projection additive easily pushes the super aggressive coverstock down lane where the Friction additive kicks in gripping the backend for unprecedented traction. Being able to combine multiple additives in a coverstock allows Brunswick to effectively fine tune the length, mid-lane and backend characteristics of the ball motion.NEXUS ROTOR COREThe new Nexus Rotor core integrates a center stabilizing capsule and two vertical flip claws. The center stabilizing capsule revs quickly to control the mid-lane. As the axis migrates and the core lays down, the vertical flip claws take over maintaining the rev rate for a strong continuation through the backend and powerful drive through the pins.BALL MOTIONWe did it again! The Nexus f(P+F) is so strong we had to add columns to the Ball Comparison chart and increase our Hook Potential scale to describe this ball. With its 1500-grit Siaair micro pad finish, the Nexus f(P+F) offers our highest hook potential of any Brunswick ball to date. With an extremely aggressive ball motion the Nexus f(P+F) skids through the front, saves axis rotation in the mid-lane and grabs the backend with a strong response to friction.REACTION SET UPThe Nexus f(P+F) can be drilled using the standard drilling techniques developed for asymmetric bowling balls.LIGHTWEIGHT ENGINEERINGThe unique core shape of each individual ball is used for weights from 14 to 16 pounds. This approach to lightweight ball engineering provides bowlers with consis

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